Castle Cary - Land At Wayside Farm
A greenfield residential development site with the benefit of outline planning permission for up to 125 dwellings which is located on the north-west edge of the popular market town of Castle Cary. The site currently comprises of agricultural land and buildings, together with a detached three bedroom bungalow. The bungalow does not constitute part of the development, but is included within the sale. The land ranges from level to gently sloping in topography.
The planning application was made in outline, with all other matters reserved apart from the means of access. The proposal is designed around a low-density housing scheme with good-sized gardens and approximately 1.47ha (3.63 acres) of open space designated for residential buffer criteria and Local Equipped Play Area which will serve the development and wider area.
Planning consent was allowed at appeal (reference: APP/R3325/W/15/3121541) on 12th January 2017 for the demolition of all existing structures (including agricultural buildings and bungalow) and development to provide up to 125 residential units (including 35% affordable), associated landscaping, access and infrastructure.
A full planning and technical information pack is available upon request.
Property reference
204Property details
Price: | Offers Invited. |
Status: | Sold |
Location: | Castle Cary |
Plots: | 125 |
Surveyor: | Andrew Kitchener |