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Development Land Specialist

Crapstone, Land Adj Abbey Meadows

CRAPSTONE - A very attractively set green field residential development site extending to approximately 1.29 ha (3.19 acres) located on the southern fringe of the sought after village Crapstone. The land has a very gentle fall from the eastern boundary towards the west and the point of access and as such, affords stunning views to the west and south across countryside and beyond to the Rivers Tavy and Tamar. The Outline permission allows for the development of up to 22 dwellings and requires affordable housing at 40% of the dwellings developed.

view over site from the westView over site from the west
view over site from the southView over site from the south
view over site from the eastView over site from the east
view over site from the eastern boundaryView over site from the eastern boundary
view over site from the western boundaryView over site from the western boundary
parade of shops in Yelverton Parade of shops in Yelverton
Site Framework Plan - Not to Scale - Only the access on the 
Plan is approved, all other matters are for the purchaser to design, subject to reserved matters approval.Site Framework Plan - Not to Scale - Only the access on the Plan is approved, all other matters are for the purchaser to design, subject to reserved matters approval.
Location Plan - Not to ScaleLocation Plan - Not to Scale
view of proposed access on the rightView of proposed access on the right

Property reference


Property details

Price: Offers Invited.
Status: Sold
Location: Crapstone
Plots: Estimated 22
Surveyor: Darryl Hendley

Land Enquiry

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