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Development Land Specialist

Foxhole - Land Adj 6 Goverseth Hill

This single building plot benefits from outline planning permission for a new two storey detached dwelling. The plot is located in a small hamlet of properties situated some 400m from the settlement of Foxhole. The plot, which extends to c. 0.04ha / 0.1acres is presently garden area for a neighbouring detached house. It is proposed on the indicative plans that a new vehicular access will be formed off the existing private driveway which will lead to an off road parking area and garage. The plans also suggest the new dwelling will have an approximate footprint of c. 9.5m x 6.5m although the final details of the access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale are to be determined at a reserved matters application stage.

View over the plot, facing north westView over the plot, facing north west
Proposed access driveProposed access drive
View over the plot - facing north eastView over the plot - facing north east
View of the plotView of the plot
View over the plot - facing south eastView over the plot - facing south east
Indicative Site Layout Indicative Site Layout

Property reference


Property details

Price: £60,000
Status: Sold
Location: Foxhole
Plots: 1
Surveyor: Alexander Munday

Land Enquiry

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