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Development Land Specialist

Great Torrington - Hatchmoor Industrial Estate Land

This site of approximately 0.58 hectares (1.44 acres) is located on the eastern edge of Great Torrington and is accessed off the Hatchmoor Industrial Estate. To the west of the site is a modern housing development ‘Waterloo Gardens’, to the north further residential housing at Greenbank Close. To the north-east the site borders an agricultural field, which is part of a site allocated under the adopted local plan (Policy GTT03) for residential and educational development including c. 140 dwellings and a primary school. To the south and south east is the Hatchmoor Industrial Estate.

Planning permission was given in 2006 for the development of 20 industrial units on the site, and the Agents have documents confirming that the planning has been implemented by the owner making a material start on site by erection of galvanised fencing around the perimeter of the site.

Given the fact the site borders existing / proposed residential development to three sides, interested parties may wish to consider the possibility of alternative development schemes for the site.

View showing part of the site being offered for sale, facing north-eastView showing part of the site being offered for sale, facing north-east
Aerial image of the site, outlined in redAerial image of the site, outlined in red
Approved site layout under application ref. 1/0900/2006/FULApproved site layout under application ref. 1/0900/2006/FUL
View of neighbouring housing development ‘Waterloo Gardens’View of neighbouring housing development ‘Waterloo Gardens’
View over part of the site facing eastView over part of the site facing east
View along footpath to the west of the site showing boundary fencing View along footpath to the west of the site showing boundary fencing
View from existing access road to gates securing the siteView from existing access road to gates securing the site

Property reference


Property details

Price: Offers in excess of £550,000
Status: Sold
Location: Great Torrington
Plots: Estimated 15
Surveyor: Alexander Munday

Land Enquiry

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