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Development Land Specialist

Helston 15 Ha (37 Acres) H X 1 - A394 Falmouth Road

First Phase of up to 100 plots SOLD.

This site comprises a series of attractive agricultural fields on the eastern edge of Helston extending to approximately 37.4 acres (15.14 hectares). The land is divided into five main enclosures which from the south are approximately 7.68, 7.59, 5.26, 6.11 and 10.76 acres respectively. The land has frontage to the main A394 Helston to Falmouth road from where access is obtained whilst the land itself is generally level with a slight fall to the west.

Outline planning permission for up to 340 dwellings, a building for B1 offices and a medical practice was granted on appeal under reference number APP/D0840/A/14/2229258 on the 4th August 2015. This permission is subject to a number of conditions including 40% affordable
housing and a S106 agreement. A further application over the same site area was submitted on 15th January 2016 in outline for up to 450 dwellings along with up to 650 sq m of B1 office space and a 450 sq m (approx) medical center. This new application was approved at planning committee on the 7th April 2016 subject to the vendor entering into a new S106 which is now being concluded subject to a number of conditions including a reduction in affordable housing to 30%. This permission has now been granted on the 10th August 2016 under reference number PA16/00272.

The land is offered for sale by private treaty. The vendor would prefer to dispose of a first phase but is also open to a sale of all of the land. The amount of land included in a first phase is negotiable and so prospective purchasers are encouraged to contact the agents to discuss their requirements.

View over site towards Helston and the coast beyondView over site towards Helston and the coast beyond
View over site towards HelstonView over site towards Helston
View to the North showing the site on the eastern edge of HelstonView to the North showing the site on the eastern edge of Helston
View across the siteView across the site

Property reference


Property details

Price: Offers Invited.
Status: Sold
Location: Helston
Plots: Estimated 100
Surveyor: Andrew Kitchener

Land Enquiry

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