Langport - Site To The Rear Of North Street
This development opportunity comprises land extending to c. 0.15ha / 0.36 acres off North Street in the South Somerset town of Langport. Detailed planning approval (ref. 09/03364/FUL) was granted in 2010 for residential development of the site, to include the construction of 8 new three bedroom mews style houses. The proposed houses are set out on the site in two blocks, to the north and south of the site, and each with four terraced dwellings. At present the site is vacant, other than an existing single storey barn which will be demolished as part of the proposed development. Vehicular access to the site will be via North Street on the eastern boundary. All the dwellings are proposed to be open market, with no affordable housing requirement, S106 contributions or CIL payments applicable to the approved consent.
Property reference
746Property details
Price: | Offers in excess of £350,000 |
Status: | Sold |
Location: | Langport |
Plots: | 8 |
Surveyor: | Alexander Munday |