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Development Land Specialist

Morchard Road - Site For 5 Houses

An opportunity to acquire a level development site of c. 0.16ha / 0.4 acres with commenced planning permission (Ref. 08/01559/ARM) for the construction of 5 new houses in a popular residential location c. 6 miles to the west of Crediton.

The proposed development consists of a terrace of dwellings as follows:
- 2 x 3 bedroom, 3 storey houses of c. 1076qsft G.I.A.
- 2 x 4 bedroom, 3 storey houses of c. 1515sqft G.I.A.
- 1 x 4 bedroom, 3 storey house of c. 1653sqft G.I.A.

Each of the proposed properties will offer patios and lawned gardens to the rear along with an off road parking space (6 in total including 1 disabled) and a garage within a new block to the built at the rear of the site. Historically, the land has been used as a petrol filling station and for car sales - the underground fuel tanks have now been removed.

View across the site facing eastView across the site facing east
View across the site facing south eastView across the site facing south east
View from north eastern corner facing westView from north eastern corner facing west
View across the site facing northView across the site facing north
Sketches of proposed developmentSketches of proposed development
Proposed site layout Proposed site layout

Property reference


Property details

Price: £225,000
Status: Sold
Location: Crediton
Plots: 5
Surveyor: Alexander Munday

Land Enquiry

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