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Development Land Specialist

Newton Abbot - Plot 56 Foxglove Close

An opportunity to acquire a potential single building plot on the western edge of Newton Abbot. Situated in Foxglove Close, part of a housing development undertaken by Redrow Homes, this is one of three self build plots which were approved under planning application ref. 15/02532/MAJ in 2015. As no reserved matters application was made in regard to the final design of the proposed self build dwellings, the planning approval has now lapsed and a new application will be required. Given the infill nature of the plots within an existing development, the Agents view is that a future application will be supported by the local planning authority.

The Design Guide which was previously approved in regard to Plot 56 suggested that the plot extends to c. 282sqm (0.07 acres) and the new dwelling would have a footprint of no more than 78sqm (840sqft). A two storey house could therefore, in theory, have a gross external area up to c. 156sqm (1679sqft). The plot has a pleasant outlook over an open grassed area to the north west with a large mature oak tree.

View over Plot 56View over Plot 56
Design Guide LayoutDesign Guide Layout
Plot LocationPlot Location
View to the north west of the plotView to the north west of the plot

Property reference


Property details

Price: £100,000
Status: Sold
Location: Newton Abbot
Plots: 1
Surveyor: Alexander Munday

Land Enquiry

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