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Development Land Specialist

Sourton, Site For 8 Houses, Land Adj The Highwayman Inn

KLP are delighted to offer this residential development site to the market, the site extends to approximately 0.36 hectares (0.90 acres) and has the benefit of full planning permission for 8 dwelling houses. In addition the sale will include a rectangular parcel on the western boundary of plot 1 approximately hatched green by KLP onto the plan below. The site is located centrally in the village adjacent to the Highwayman Inn and opposite the Church access and offers a beautiful countryside aspect to the west and Dartmoor to the east. The 8 houses comprise a mix of one x 5 bedroom detached house, three x 4 bedroom detached houses and two pairs of 3 bedroom semi detached houses, all dwellings are for open market sale.

view across plot 8 towards plots 5,6 & 7View across plot 8 towards plots 5,6 & 7
view from NE boundary looking south along A386View from NE boundary looking south along A386
view from western boundary looking westView from western boundary looking west
view towards plots 1,2,3 & 4View towards plots 1,2,3 & 4
Site layout plan with additional parcel hatched greenSite layout plan with additional parcel hatched green
Proposed area to be retained hatched yellow Proposed area to be retained hatched yellow

Property reference


Property details

Price: Offers Invited.
Status: Sold
Location: Sourton
Plots: 8
Surveyor: Darryl Hendley

Land Enquiry

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