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Development Land Specialist

South Petherton - Parkway Farm, West Street

An existing detached 3 bedroomed bungalow with outbuildings and approximately 4.11 hectares (10.16 acres) of land situated on the south western edge of the sought-after South Somerset town of South Petherton, approximately just 800m from the centre of the town.

There is a lapsed planning permission (Ref.16/00646/FUL) for the erection of four 4 bedroomed detached dwellings located on the land immediately to the southwest of the existing dwelling. This planning permission also contained a planning condition regarding the demolition and clearance of the former agricultural buildings and yard to the north of the existing dwelling, and restoration of the land to pasture.

With regard to the existing bungalow, as far as we are aware, this currently still has the agricultural occupancy restriction from its original planning permission (Ref.771286) from back in 1978. Although the land for the 4 proposed dwellings to the southwest of the bungalow (and including the proposed access) was released from the Section 52 Agreement dated 11/01/1978 (non-fragmentation), the bungalow was not and is still subject to an occupancy condition (Planning Ref.15/05589/DPO). Bearing in mind that the planning for the 4 dwellings included the condition to clear the “former agricultural buildings”, it is envisaged that an application to lift the restriction on the bungalow is likely to be looked upon favourably by the Council. However, all interested parties should make and rely upon their own planning enquiries of Somerset Council in this regard.

There is a Public Bridleway running northwest to south east which splits the land, with the bungalow, old farm buildings and approximately 1.60 hectares (3.96 acres) to the south west of the Bridleway and the other field of approximately 2.51 hectares (6.20 acres) to the north east of the Bridleway. There is also a Public Footpath running along the length of the property’s north western boundary.


South Somerset District Council granted full detailed planning permission (Ref.16/00646/FUL) for the erection of 4 new dwellings with associated works, including improvements to the existing access, demolition of the existing buildings to the rear (north) of the existing dwelling and the reinstatement of this land to agricultural use, on land adjacent to Parkway Farm, West Street, South Petherton, TA13 5DJ on 19th September 2016. Copies of the lapsed planning permission and associated plans are held on file by the agents.

All of the land has previously been highlighted for potential residential development within the draft South Somerset Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment in 2017. Although the land was being considered it was not formally promoted and it did not become allocated in the adopted Local Plan at the time and other sites to the north east were favoured instead.

The South Petherton Neighbourhood Plan has also considered various possible sites around the town for housing and employment development, and this land was highlighted as having moderate capacity to accommodate built development, so is still being considered as a possible candidate site in the future, especially if Somerset cannot demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply.

View of bungalow & access from West StreetView of bungalow & access from West Street
OS Plan of PropertyOS Plan of Property
2017 Draft HELAA Plan (not adopted)2017 Draft HELAA Plan (not adopted)
Existing KitchenExisting Kitchen
Lapsed Planning Layout PlanLapsed Planning Layout Plan
View across NE field looking SE View across NE field looking SE
View of SW field, bungalow & shed from West StView of SW field, bungalow & shed from West St
Main barn/shedMain barn/shed
Google Aerial ImageGoogle Aerial Image

Property reference


Property details

Price: Offers Invited.
Status: For Sale
Location: South Petherton
Plots: Estimated 40
Surveyor: Philip Taverner

Land Enquiry

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