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Development Land Specialist

Street - Somerton Road - 28.66 Acres

STREET - This well located and generally level parcel of prime residential development land has frontage to the B3151 Somerton Road heading south from Street and is opposite the extensive grounds of Millfield School. The land measures 11.40 hectares (28.17 acres) with additional frontage to Stallgrove Lane to the west and borders established residential development to the north.

The land is an emerging allocation for residential development in the ongoing review of the Mendip Local Plan (Policy ST3). An application for outline planning permission for up to 280 dwellings was submitted in December 2019 under reference number 2019/2946/OTS. This application was proceeding towards committee with an expectation it would be recommended for approval but has become paused by the emergence in August 2020 of concerns over high levels of phosphates in the Somerset Levels and Moors raised by Natural England and along with many other applications can now only proceed if it can be demonstrated to be phosphate neutral.

The land is offered for sale subject to planning by way of informal tender with a closing date of midday on Friday 15th October 2021.

View over the land looking north towards StreetView over the land looking north towards Street
View over the land looking south eastView over the land looking south east
view over the land looking north westView over the land looking north west
Illustrative masterplan L 01 02 GIllustrative masterplan L 01 02 G
Location PlanLocation Plan

Property reference


Property details

Price: Offers Invited.
Status: Sold
Location: Street
Plots: 280
Surveyor: Andrew Kitchener

Land Enquiry

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