Wellington - Site For Up To 200 Dwellings, Longforth Park
This is a fantastic opportunity to acquire a development site with the benefit of outline planning permission (Ref.43/23/0056) for up to 200 dwellings situated on the northern edge of this popular Somerset town. The planning permission is for a mixed-use development scheme of up to 200 dwellings, employment land (use Class E & F) an internal spine road to facilitate the new railway halt/station, public open space, drainage and associated infrastructure, however, we are only currently marketing the residential element for up to 200 dwellings (although offers for the whole may be considered).
Due to the time constraints within the S106 legal agreement, the Promoter is preparing a reserved matters planning application for the spine road and associated works and intends to submit this application prior to the deadline specified within the S106 agreement. They will also be obtaining Tenders for the road construction and associated works, although it is hoped that these works will be taken on by the purchasing developer as part of the sale to simplify the sale contract.
The proposed residential element of the scheme extends to approximately 7.71 hectares (19.05 acres) with the net-developable area for residential being approx. 4.78 hectares (11.81 acres), as highlighted in blue on the illustrative layout plan. The land is former agricultural land, although part of the eastern field has recently been developed by Lidl and the access road into the Lidl store forms part of the initial spine road from Nynehead Road.
The Promoter has reserved phosphate credits through WCI which have been allocated to this development and the credits are being acquired by the Promoter. Therefore, all bids should make no allowance for future payments for the cost of these credits as they will form part of the sale. There is no CIL liability for this site and no (0%) affordable housing requirement.
Property reference
931Property details
Price: | Offers Invited. |
Status: | Sale Agreed |
Location: | Wellington |
Plots: | Estimated 200 |
Surveyor: | Philip Taverner |